Product Testing Club


  • Be a part of Mermade Hair Product Testing Club 
  • Receive new products every quarter to trial and test for free 
  • Share your honest feedback with the Mermade Hair team
  • Create and share content of the products you try 
  • Receive an exclusive discount code for 30% off Mermade Hair
  • Earn 20% commission on sales via your affiliate code and/or link
Top FAQs
How do I apply?
Simply fill out the application form with your details and answer the questions. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis and if you are successful you will be notified by email. 
Does everyone get approved?
Unfortunately not everyone can be approved. We only have limited spots available per year and these spots are in high demand. If you miss out one year, we encourage you to reapply in the future. 
What are the requirements?
Members of our Product Testing Club receive products to trial and test for free. In exchange, members agree to share their feedback, post product reviews, before and after images and video content.
I have other questions about Product Testing Club?
If you have any questions or would like to follow up your application, email